Dienstag, 17. November 2009

for sale: 4 coils Bruker 4.7T

For sale:
4 coils used with a Bruker Biospin at 4.7T (for details see below):

1. whole body coil : tunable 1H for transmission and reception
2. double tunable surface coil: 19F/1H for transmission and reception
3. surface coil, multiple nuclei
4. wole body coil 31P/1H .

For further information contact:

Julie Magat, PhD

Université Catholique de Louvain
Louvain Drug Research Institute
Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Unit

Av.Mounier 73.40
1200 Bruxelles

Tel: +3227647364
Fax: +3227647390

Donnerstag, 12. November 2009

Varian Inova lock transceiver 500

Dear Colleagues,

We are looking for a lock transceiver for our 500MHz Varian Inova console (ca 1999). Would you have a used one in working condition available for sale please contact me.

Mate Erdelyi


Mate Erdelyi
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, University of Gothenburg
Kemigården 4, Office 8023,SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Tel + 46 31 786 9033, FAX: +46 31 772 3840
E-mail: mate@chem.gu.se

Mittwoch, 13. Mai 2009

28ch 51 mm varian shim coil wanted

Dear Colleagues,

We are looking for a 28 channel shim coil with 51 mm diameter for a 500
MHz or a 400 MHz Varian magnet. Would you have a used one in good working
condition available for sale please contact me.

Mate Erdelyi

Mate Erdelyi
Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, University of Gothenburg
Kemigården 4, Office 8023, SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden
Tel + 46 31 786 9033; FAX: +46 31 772 3840
E-mail: mate@chem.gu.se

For sale: Bruker Avance 9.4T 30cm Horizontal Bore Small Animal MR System

Complete Avance imaging spectrometer, console and superconducting
magnet. Three gradient inserts. Single channel 1H transmit, four
channel 1H receive. Single channel X-nucleus transmit/receive.
Three-axis gradient amplifiers, gradient pre-emphasis unit, RT shim
set, water chiller, animal beds. Variety of RF coils including
quadrature and phased array rat head coils. Magnet is currently in the
UK undergoing factory refurbishment by original manufacturer -
estimated availability August 2009. Full magnet history, field plot
and equipment manifest available on request.


Mike Tyszka, Ph.D.
Caltech Brain Imaging Center
2A Broad 114-96
California Institute of Technology
1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena CA 91125

Freitag, 20. März 2009

Bruker magnet MSL 200 for sale!

Hello NMR users,

We have an old Bruker MRI magnet, it is 4.7T , we have disconnected from its console hardware, the magnet is fine, we keep filling it with Helium and Nitrogen, but it is not been used since long, what i know is it is consol and some other hardware are not working, but if you would like to buy such a magnet including the remaining hardware, or you know of a company who renovate an old MR systems please let us know ,

Would be glad to have any suggestion about that,

Best Regards,

Eissa Aguor

Donnerstag, 19. März 2009

X-band iron magnet wanted

We are looking for a light-weight X-band (0.3 T) ESR iron magnet, like the old Varian V3400, with power supply, but without the Fieldial. Equivalent Bruker magnet may also be interesting. Because of transport cost, preferably in Europe.
if you have any in good working condition (corrosion!) available for sale, pls. contact
with an indication of the wanted price.
paper mail:
J.J. van der Klink.
EPFL, station 3B.
CH-1015 Lausanne.

office tel&voice +41 21 693 33 26
institute fax +41 21 693 36 04